Thursday, September 30, 2010

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

0-3 Months

While I haven't been able to bring myself to pack up the newborn clothes just yet, I have pulled out the 0-3 month outfits.  Charlie doesn't quite fill them out yet, but he is fitting just fine length-wise.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Watching the Buckeyes Play

Yes, Marc turned Charlie towards the tv so he could watch the football game. 

Monday, September 27, 2010


Just in case anyone is thinking that Marc isn't taking his training for his second Ironman seriously, he ran 13 miles on Saturday.  And while most people would have skipped a run on a rainy Monday morning, Marc was out of the house by 5am to do another 7 miles and trust me, IT WAS RAINING!  His reasoning behind this madness?  "It never hurts to get a good run in the rain just in case it rains on race day".  It might make perfect sense to a triathlete but it's just madness to me.  This is what he looked like when he came in from his rain-soaked morning.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

One Month

Charlie is one month old today.  We are using up the last of the newborn diapers and ready to move into the next size.  And we are paking up his newborn clothes and dressing him in the 0-3 size.  It is exciting to see him grow but sad to leave the newborn stage behind.


Thursday, September 23, 2010


This week, Charlie discovered the turtles on his play gym.  He had a great time batting them about and I was excited to see him make the connection between his hand and the movement of the turtle medallion.  Since Marc was at work, I got some video for him.  Hope you enjoy it too! There is even a Lullabelle cameo.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How We Spent Our Monday

Monday we had our first all-afternoon scream-a-thon. Poor pitiful Charlie had gas and no amount of bouncing, burping or back rubbing could make it go away. And things he loves - like bath time - could not soothe this hollering beast. Of course, Monday was a day when it was just me and Charlie (and the doggies - and even Lullabelle had enough and hid in the bedroom). Luckily Mama Dot arrived on Tuesday and he has been a perfect angel since.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Charlie's First Tailgate

The outcome of the UGA/Arkansas game was sad, but the post game tailgate was a lot of fun.  Charlie was the life of the party, even if he slept through most of it!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Growing Up

Charlie is working on holding his head up.  He bobs side to side more than up, but he's trying!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sandy Update

Sandy had another trip to the UGA Vet School yesterday, and she is continuing to improve.  She will go back in three weeks (instead of every week) and medicine has been reduced to only 4, which she has to take less often.  And when Marc and I are at home and awake, she no longer has to wear the Cone of Shame.  YAY! I am sure Sandy is happiest about her freedom from the Cone.

It was incredibly stressful, but Sandy's eye problem happened at the best possible time.  If I wasn't on maternity leave, we wouldn't have been able to keep the rigorous schedule that her medicine has required.  And if we had waited for the doggie opthamologist, she wouldn't have been able to see Sandy until THIS WEEK.  I am sure she would have lost one if not both eyes.  And the bacterial infection could have spread throughout her body and we could have lost our Sandy Nell.

While Sandy's eyes will never be the big, beautiful brown that they were, we are grateful that she feels better, is healthy and can see.  We will take a little scarring to keep our first baby around to play with Charlie.  Someone is watching out for our girl.

Sandy in May with her big brown eyes

Sandy today, a little cloudy

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Little Burrito

(My nickname for a swaddled Charlie)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Three Weeks

Charlie is three weeks old today, and yesterday we had a checkup at the doctor's office. He likes to eat, so it was no surprise that he has gained almost a pound and a half in the past 10 days.  He's up to 8 pounds, 12 ounces.  He still measures 21.5 inches - his length at our one week appointment.  But I can tell from the fit of his onesies that his trunk is longer.  But I am so pleased to report that he is growing and progressing perfectly!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Say Cheese

When Charlie was a week old, Mama and I decided to take a few pictures in a more formal manner.  Here are some of my favorites:
His lip quiver will melt your heart
Lullabelle making sure he is okay
His drunken sailor look

His smile at one of Marc's old toys - I love it!
For Marc - Go Bucks!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010