Thursday, May 31, 2012

Charlie Playing

As far as Charlie was concerned, there was no baby shower.  There was just a whole lotta fun with Grandmas and Papas! Like blowing bubbles. . .

. . .playing golf. . .

. . .and riding on an Artic Cat.  Special thanks to Papa Kirby, who I obviously missed with my camera but saw playing with the little man a lot.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Shootin' Some B-Ball

Before Baby's shower began, Charlie found the basketball goal.  After several attempts to shot the ball in the basket, Papa Chuck and Daddy decided to help a boy out.

Charlie was so excited, he carried the basketball around with him, just in case another goal appeared.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Baby's Shower

I am a lucky girl.  And so is Baby.  Our family and friends threw us a shower last weekend.  She is going to be the best dressed little missy in Georgia! Thank you all for your gifts but more importantly, for your good thoughts and wishes.

Mama made this quilt, with some assistance from Miss Nancy Godwin and Aunt Nancy Rigdon.  FABULOUS!

But the best part of the day was just hanging out with those that we love.
Mama and her sisters
Baby's Grandmas

By this time, Charlie wasn't much for pictures. He just wanted to play!!
The Cousins!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Big Boy Bed

 So Operation Tough Love: Learn to Sleep By Yourself has been having some hiccups.  It is much easier to be tough around naptimes on the weekend than it is at 2:30am on a Wednesday.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

37 Weeks

I am 37 weeks pregnant today.  I deliver two weeks from tomorrow.  It is hard to wrap my head around it!

I went to the doctor on Friday.  I had an ultrasound due to my low weight gain, but everything with Baby looks fine.  All Baby's measurements are within normal range, although on the small side.  She weighs about 5 pounds right now (and should be about 6.3 pounds) and will likely not be as big as Charlie was when he was born. He was 7 pounds, 13 ounces.  In the past two weeks I didn't gain any weight, despite eating pretty well and not vomiting.  I am to eat high protein foods and drink lots and lots of liquids. And maybe a Chick-fil-a shake or two :-)  I'll have another ultrasound a week to double check everything.

No pictures from the ultrasound, because she had both arms over her face.  Just like Charlie!  I guess we will just have to wait to see her lovely face.

Last night, as Marc was sitting with Charlie waiting for him to go to sleep, he sneezed.  Charlie said, "Bless you Daddy."  Marc loved it!  I love it too!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Working Hard

 UGA had it's Commencement on May 11.  I don't talk about work much here, but one of the things I do at the University is chair Commencement.  It was a responsibility I took on this year and it has been much more work than I expected.  It has also been a lot of fun.  And not to toot my own horn or anything, but this year rocked. And doesn't the President look happy?  Means I did my job well!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Rock Climbing Wall

When Marc and my dad were putting the playset together for Charlie, they could not finish it because a few of the pieces for the rock-climbing wall were broken.  It took a long time (and several phone calls and emails) for the manufacturer to get us the correct pieces, but they finally did. 

Now Charlie's favorite thing is to climb up the wall and climb down the ladder. 

He can't quite do it himself yet, but he is getting close.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Charlie's Playdate with Carter

This past weekend, Charlie's classmate and gymnastics friend Carter came over to play.  They had a great time, and Charlie was SO excited to have a friend over to his house.

After playing inside for a while, we went out back to the swingset, bringing two balls for each boy, of course.  Carter found a stick and started playing with it. . .

. . .so Charlie had to follow suit, though on a smaller scale.

Then it was fun with the slide.  Let's throw the balls up and watch them come back down!

It was hot, so we went back inside to the ball pit

And then we went to the pool, and I left my camera inside. Grrrr.  But take my word for it, the boys had lots of fun and were tuckered out by dinner time.  Charlie wasn't too sure of the pool at first, but after watching Carter jump in, Charlie did the same thing and loved it!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Watching the Baby


I took me a while to figure this one out.  Charlie would go over to Marc's office, reach towards the desk and say, "Baby!  Baby Peese!"  At first I thought he wanted to watch Classical Baby on TV, but I figured out he wanted to watch videos of himself on Marc's iPad.  He will giggle and laugh at the "baby" and knows exactly how to make the video play or move on to the next one.  

We've also branched out and watched some YouTube, with cute doggies or other babies, which is what Charlie is doing here.

These kids and their technology!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

36 Weeks

I am 36 weeks pregnant today.  Yikes!  3 weeks and one day to go, if she keeps to my schedule.  I am tired, irritable, my back aches, I feel like my belly is stretching often and I'm not sleeping well, just like most 36 week pregnant ladies.  I can do a chore or two, but then needs to sit down and rest.  Baby is throwing lots of elbows and knees but seems to be happy in there.  On the plus side, I only have to wash my hair every three days.  Usually I wash my hair in the morning and it is greasy by the end of the day, so this rocks!

Charlie has been transitioning into the next class at Little Prodigies, and tomorrow he is officially a member of the 2 year old class.  He will now be a Pavarotti.  He had been acting out in class for the past couple of weeks, so this is welcome, if not a bit sad.  Charlie is one of the oldest in the 1 year old class, and he was getting frustrated with the younger class members. He started by pitching a fit when I left instead of running in and giving Miss Trish a hug and finding a ball.  Then he began acting out - throwing his shoes! - and refusing to eat.  We loved his teachers in the 1 year old classroom and will miss them a lot.  But we are glad to have Charlie in a class where he can grow and learn. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Can't Get Close Enough

Must be a good episode of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

35 Weeks

I am 35 weeks pregnant today.  And I am feeling much, much, much better.  I went to the doctor this week and despite the stomach bug I had last week, I gained 2 pounds.  But I have only gained 17 pounds overall.  The baby is measuring exactly as she should and getting what she needs, but I am probably not.  Hopefully I won't get sick again for the next 4 weeks and will be stronger when she arrives.

Last weekend we moved Charlie into a big boy bed.  It is the lower bunk of the bunk bed set Marc had as a child.  Charlie loves the bed, but wants someone to be in the bed with him when he goes to sleep or gets up at night.  Marc has helped me out tremendously by handling that all week.  And this weekend we began Operation Tough Love: Learn to Sleep By Yourself.  Saturday for his nap, Charlie fell asleep sitting up next to the door.  Marc and I couldn't help but laugh as we watched him, with his head nodding, on the monitor.  He finally layed down on the floor and napped.  Hopefully he will learn that the bed is more comfortable than the floor.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Boogie Down

Grandma Dot bought Charlie a monkey that sings and dances.  Charlie love it and dances right along.