Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Marc's Birthday

We happened to be in Pensacola for Marc's birthday in June, so we did a little celebrating.  First at McGuires for lunch. . .

And then with a yummy cake at the LaMottes' house

Charlie was a good helper at both blowing out candles and eating cake

Rosie enjoyed some cake, too.

Charlie wanted to celebrate Lullabelle's birthday, too.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Saturday, July 27, 2013


I called Charlie a silly goose. He said, "I not a silly goose. I Charlie!"

There is a hotel chain that uses the song "We're Not Gonna Take It" in their commercial.  Charlie will watch it and then say, "Mama, they are not gonna take it."  And then last night a little while after the commercial aired I hears him singing, "We are not gonna take it.  No, no gonna take it."

Last week in the grocery store, I got a bag of the pre-sliced apples and went ahead and opened it so Charlie, who was sitting in the back of the shopping cart, could eat while we shopped.  The apples used to have a zipper bag openeing but don't anymore, and I was struggling to get it open.  I finally got my keys and used one to poke a hole in the bag and opened it from there.  Charlie looked at me and said, "Mama!  You are a superhero!"  It made me feel so good! Until moments later when I knocked Charlie in the head with the seat of the shopping cart and sent him into a crying fit.

Friday, July 26, 2013

At the Fire Station

While in Pensacola, Charlie and Marc went to visit Mr. Tom at his fire station.  Chralie does love a fire truck, and Mr. Tom loves Charlie, so he got to crawl all over the fire engine.  He was in little boy heaven!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Boogie Down - Rosie Style

You've already seen Rosie dancing in her car seat.  Turns out, she is an arm-dancer even when she isn't strapped down:

And in non-dance related news - Rosie took THREE steps unassisted last night!  And promptly stopped all walking when I got out the camera.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Naval Air Museum

While in Pensacola, Marc and his friend Tom took Charlie to the Naval Air Museum.  Charlie loved being able to get into the airplanes and check it all out!

There are also a lot of planes aand displays you can't climb in, and Charlie was into those.  But Marc and Tom thought they were cool.

Charlie found the gift shop.  He wanted it all!