Thursday, May 26, 2016

Checking on That Heart

Charlie had his every-two-year trip to the cardiologist yesterday.  Everything is looking good!

Thursday, May 19, 2016


 Last weekend, we went out to western Maryland to attend a birthday party for one of Rosie's classmates - Tucker.  It was at a park and a storm came about an hour in, so we were not there long.  But we did get to whack the pinata!

Charlie enjoyed the pinata a lot more than Rosie!

Rosie picked out 4 pieces of candy and was finished.  Charlie took as much as he could.  I made him stop after 2 cups worth!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Bryns Birthday Party

One of Rosie's best little friends had a birthday party with a petting zoo in her back yard!  This was heaven for a bunch of 3 and 4 year olds.

And there was a pony!

It took Rosie a minute to warm up to the animals, but once she did she had a ball.

And she decided pony rides were fun.

Waiting in line for pony rides weren't so bad with friends.

Especially silly friends!

Happy Birthday Bryn!