Friday, March 6, 2009

How is Marc?

He is doing very well. He is tired and sore, and tends to take long, snore-y naps. But that's good. The pain pills he has are strong and he needs to sleep off the anesthia.

Our day started very early - we had to be at the hospital at 6am for his 7:30 surgery. They had him change into a gown and compressions socks. He tried to make it a sexy look.

Then a nurse took some blood and gave Marc some pills to relax. Can you tell that they had taken affect when I snapped this picture?

Once he was wheeled into surgery, I was taken to his room. at 8:30, a nurse called the room to tell me he was still in surgery and it was going very well. And at about 9:45, the doctor called the room to let me know the surgery was finished and it was successful. And hour later, they wheeled Marc in.

He was awake but not very aware. He doesn't remember much about those few hours. He talked to his parents to let them know he was okay and quickly fell asleep.

His surgeon made the incision on a neck crease, so the scar won't be so noticable. And they didn't use stitches or staples. It was glued with dermabond.
Thus far, we are very happy. Marc is doing better and his back doesn't hurt. YAY!


  1. Great news. Sexy shot of him at the beginning. I'll have to get John a gown. :)

  2. This is going to sound crazy, but he'll love the way the scar looks b/c of the dermabond. It heals so much smoother.
    I'm glad it went very well...hope he is being a good patient. :)

  3. That's good to hear about the dermabond - because right now it just looks gross.
