Saturday, August 15, 2009

2009 Sprint Tri, Part One

Instead of one long blog post, I'm going to break Marc's triathlon into four or five parts, so you can be amused throughout the week. Also, I used my new camera and took 230 shots of Marc and the tri. Don't worry - I won't post them all. Just most ;-)

This time, last week, Marc had finished the tri and we were already back in SSI. That day, we woke up EARLY - 4am! Early any day, but a weekend day at the beach? Painful! But we had to get up that early so that we could be in Fernandina Beach by 6:30 so Marc could prepare with 400 of his fellow triathlon crazies and get psyched up for the race.

It was a very festive atmosphere, with lots of spectators and folks in glider-type things flying overhead.

This was the third year that Marc has participated in a Jacksonville Sprint Tri, but it was the first time at this location, and we both liked it a lot. It was easier to access and the parking was MUCH better, closer and free.

And as I mentioned in the last post, this was the first time Marc wore his tri suit. He is a member of a local triathlon club here in Athens, and it is the club suit. He really liked it for a sprint like this!

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