Friday, July 9, 2010

33 Weeks

I am 33 weeks pregnant today. Marc and I went to the fetal maternal specialist yesterday for the last time, and everything looks good. (Take that 35-is-old-and-therefore-I-am-high-risk! I laugh in the face of high risk!)

I was 32 weeks, 6 days and Baby measured 32 weeks, 5 days. He weighs 4 pounds, 9 ounces.

The technician and doctor both did an ultrasound, but we have no pictures to show for it. Baby just didn't want to pose. He STILL won't show us his face. The one time they kind of saw it, he had his hand right in front. Another time he was smashing his face into the placenta. But again, he had no problem flashing his business again and again.

His arms and legs and spine all look good. He is breathing and the heart and kidneys are looking fine. The technician saw even saw hair on his head, and I am taking her word for it.


  1. oh man, this kid :) he's gonna be a handful! no face but flashing the business?? love it

  2. Bart did the same thing. I was dying to see his little face but he was holding out for the day he was born. Turns out Bart had his hands in his mouth and was born with "suck blisters" on his wrist--made him an expert breast feeder from the start. Hope it means the same for you.
