Friday, August 20, 2010

39 Weeks

I am 39 weeks pregnant today. And this week has been a busy one! At the doctor, everything measured normal and checked out fine. Then I went over to the hospital for my pre-op visit and took care of everything in anticipation for next week.

Sandy is still keeping one eye closed, so we went back to the vet. The ulcer has cleared up, but Sandy still seems to be in pain and the vet can't figure out why. We may have to take her back today for a fourth visit.

We had two dedications this week - New College and a New Residence Hall. And at the latter, the boss man began his remarks by thanking me for all my good, hard work while being "the most pregnant woman in Athens." And then I got a round of applause - made me feel good!

And then yesterday, we had a little excitement. I had a few contractions spread throughout the day that were short but wow - painful. And then I had some strong pressure for an extended time in my lower belly, so I called my doctor. She sent me to the hospital to check everything out. It was all fine, and I am not at all dilated and Baby is nice and snug with no plans of leaving until Tuesday. BUT. . .I need to take it easy. So I will be spending more time than I anticipated on my couch. Here was the conversation at the hospital as they were releasing me:

Wonder-nurse Tracie: When were you planning to stop working?

Me: Monday at 5pm. (The c-section is scheduled for Tuesday. Why quit before?)

Tracie: Silence - and a disapproving stare

Marc: You can smack her. I can't get away with it, but you can!

Me: Alright, I guess I'll do a few things at the office tomorrow morning and then I will start my leave.

Tracie: A FEW things. And then lots of liquids and laying on your side.

So it's not technically bed rest. But I need to take it easy. This will be tough for me to do but I will give it a try. I've got some good shows on my DVR!


  1. And the excitement builds!!! I agree, bed rest is probably very hard to do! I'm sure these nine months have seemed to go slowly for you, but it seems like just last week that you announced the big news! Can't WAIT to read all about your new sweetie!!! Big hugs and prayers for a restful weekend. :o)

  2. Thinking of you and sending lots of prayers for a smooth delivery on Tuesday! I know slowing down doesn't come easy for you but it is so worth it, and once you hold your little one in your arms, you'll wish you could sit and hold him all day:-) I can't wait to see photos of the new addition. Love ya bunches!
