Tuesday, August 31, 2010

One Week

Charlie is a week old today. I can't believe how fast it has gone by.

We went for his week check up yesterday at our new pediatrician. He is a really great doctor who got his undergrad at UGA and his medical degree at Ohio State. So both Marc and I have faith in what he was taught!

Charlie has grown 2 inches since birth, but his head has shrunk just a bit. (or the measurement at one time wasn't correct.) He was 7 pounds, 13 ounces when he was born, lost 7 ounces in the hospital, and gained two back since we came home.

He has had good nights - sleeping 4 hours or so in a row - and off nights, where he tosses and kicks and wakes himself up. I am lucky that Mama has been with us around the clock since day 2 of Charlie so if I need to sleep, she can handle everything and anything.

Crazy 'Bout a Sharp Dressed Man

Four days after we arrived at the hospital - on Charlie's actual due date - we went home.

His Grandma Dot had found a beautiful going home outfit and made a bonnet to match. Miss Betty provided some lovely little blue crocheted socks.

And Aunt Susan made a white seersucker blanket with beautiful crocheted edges that used some of Grandma Lorene's thread.

Charlie is a lucky boy to have so many people help him look so good. And we are lucky to have the chance to dress him!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sandy Update

As I mentioned, Sandy had an ulcer in her eye. But what we haven't shared is that the saga of her eye is ongoing.

As we were preparing for Charlie to arrive, we were trying to get her eye healed. But it just continued to get worse, despite four trips to the vet. While it looked like the ulcer had healed, Sandy was still keeping the eye shut and it was watering even more. Knowing they had done all they could, our vet called in a referral to a doggie opthamologist, who could see us Tuesday at 8:30am (also known as an hour after Charlie was born) or September 14. We couldn't wait that long, so our vet got us into the UGA Vet School on August 30 for a consult. I hated the idea of waiting another week with Sandy's eye clearly bothering her, but I really didn't have another choice.

Then the evening before the c-section, Sandy's eye started to grey over and I started to panic. My oldest baby was hurting and getting worse and I was just sure she was about to lose her eye. It was hard for me to get ready for the newest baby to arrive, but I had no choice - Charlie was coming!

So the day Charlie was born, Marc called and made another vet appointment for the next day and the day after Charlie's birth, our vet saw how bad the eye looked and called the Vet School to get her in immediately. And once at UGA, they said it was very serious and they would have to keep her at least overnight.

Turns out, the ulcer on the eye's surface had healed, but had gotten worse behind the eye and a bacterial infection had set in. And her left eye was starting to be effected, too. She needed treatment every hour for two days, which she received at the Vet School.

So Friday, we brought Charlie home and Marc immediately turned around and picked Sandy up and brought her home as well. And evidently, Sandy was a rock star at the Vet School. Everyone knew her and stopped to pet her and say goodbye. And she even got a decorated cone - Marc said she was the only dog whose cone of shame had been fancified.

And now in addition to a feeding schedule for Charlie and a medicine schedule for me, we have an extensive and complex medicine schedule for Sandy. Marc has been truly remarkable in managing it. Sandy gets six sets of drops, a pill and some ointment for her eye. Two of the drops she gets every 4 hours. Two other drops she gets every 6 hours. There are two more drops that she gets every 8 hours and the pill and ointment are every 12 hours. Marc is up almost as much as I am at night!

Come Sit Awhile

Because being born is hard, we didn't want to have too many visitors in the hospital. But the ones we had were the best!

Aunt Esther, Grandma Dot and Aunt Nancy

Uncle Michael

Aunt Cheri

Cousin Hudson
(Cousin Bowen was there, too, but I didn't get a photo!)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Grandparents

Grandma Dot and Grandma Janice

Papa Kirby and Papa Chuck

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

He's Arrived!

Charles Kirby LaMotte
7 Pounds, 13 Ounces
19.5 Inches Long
Arrived 7:39am
August 24, 2010

Much more to come. . .

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010

39 Weeks

I am 39 weeks pregnant today. And this week has been a busy one! At the doctor, everything measured normal and checked out fine. Then I went over to the hospital for my pre-op visit and took care of everything in anticipation for next week.

Sandy is still keeping one eye closed, so we went back to the vet. The ulcer has cleared up, but Sandy still seems to be in pain and the vet can't figure out why. We may have to take her back today for a fourth visit.

We had two dedications this week - New College and a New Residence Hall. And at the latter, the boss man began his remarks by thanking me for all my good, hard work while being "the most pregnant woman in Athens." And then I got a round of applause - made me feel good!

And then yesterday, we had a little excitement. I had a few contractions spread throughout the day that were short but wow - painful. And then I had some strong pressure for an extended time in my lower belly, so I called my doctor. She sent me to the hospital to check everything out. It was all fine, and I am not at all dilated and Baby is nice and snug with no plans of leaving until Tuesday. BUT. . .I need to take it easy. So I will be spending more time than I anticipated on my couch. Here was the conversation at the hospital as they were releasing me:

Wonder-nurse Tracie: When were you planning to stop working?

Me: Monday at 5pm. (The c-section is scheduled for Tuesday. Why quit before?)

Tracie: Silence - and a disapproving stare

Marc: You can smack her. I can't get away with it, but you can!

Me: Alright, I guess I'll do a few things at the office tomorrow morning and then I will start my leave.

Tracie: A FEW things. And then lots of liquids and laying on your side.

So it's not technically bed rest. But I need to take it easy. This will be tough for me to do but I will give it a try. I've got some good shows on my DVR!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Poor Baby

Sandy has an ulcer in her eye. I noticed Tuesday night that her right eye was watering and she couldn't keep it open. So the next day, off to the vet we went. Since it didn't seem much better today, Marc took her back.

The ulcer is healing, just slower than expected. And evidently it is very painful. But Sandy doesn't act like it hurts. We had to put her in the collar, though, to keep her from rubbing it. She looks very pathetic and sad. (But it's kinda funny to watch her try and rub her eye through the collar. We are such bad parents sometimes.)

Friday, August 13, 2010

38 Weeks

I am 38 weeks pregnant today. And Baby is set to arrive in 11 days. I can't believe it is coming up so fast. At the same time, though, 11 days seems like forever.

And another week brought another trip to the doctor. I actually lost half a pound this week but my blood pressure was up a bit. We both agreed it was likely up because of the previous day's dedication of the MGC/UGA Medical Partnership. Eight speakers on hot asphalt at 4pm with a heat index over 100 degrees? Yeah, that'll do it! But I was well hydrated and am very glad that one is over!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Baby's Room Will Rock

Marc finished another picture for Baby's room, and while I am failing at getting a good picture of it, I wanted you to see how wonderful it is.

We've framed them and will hang them this weekend. They will really give the room some personality, and the paintings will mean so much because Marc painted these for Baby.

Friday, August 6, 2010

37 Weeks

I am 37 weeks pregnant today. And if I gave birth to Baby, he would be full term.

Another week, another visit to the doctor. I gained another pound and everything else measured right on target. But the most exciting part of the visit (for me) was getting medicine for my reflux. I've had heartburn which I have managed, but last weekend I got reflux that was out of control. I couldn't lay down at all, and after tossing and turning in the recliner, I knew I could not do this for three more weeks.

My belly has gotten so big that I fit into very few of my maternity clothes now. And what does fit the belly doesn't fit my top. So we have lots of ill-fitting clothes for three weeks, but I am past the point of caring!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Bonding Time

While at the farewell gathering for Bobby, Marc and Molly bonded over a love of pizza.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sad Day, So Let's Be Pirates

One of our freinds, and probably Marc's best friend in athens, has accepted a job at his undergraduate alma mater. Bobby will be headed to East Carolina University on August 9. And since they are the Pirates, it was only appropriate that his farewell party have a similar theme. Held in the Thompson's basement, everyone got into the theme - even their dog Molly.

When we tried to get group shots, it was impossible to get the boys to be serious. Or to get Ed with his eyes open. These are the best I could do.

We are going to miss Bobby and Summer in the worst way, but we wish them all the best. This is a great opportunity for Bobby, even if it stinks for the rest of us.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My Left Foot

In the morning before I go to work:

In the afternoon once I get home: