Thursday, September 2, 2010

Mama Dog

Sandy has been a bit out of it - and at times we aren't even sure she knows Charlie is here. But Lullabelle is DEFINITELY aware. She has become the ultimate Charlie watchdog.

Lullabelle follows Charlie where ever we take him. And if he starts to cry, she runs to be the first by his side. She even wants to stand on her back legs and watch as we change his diaper to make sure we aren't hurting him.

During feedings, she is on the bed next to me and when Charlie is in the crib/cradle/being rocked, LB is laying on the floor next to him.
And at night, she is sleeping as little as we are. She will lay in our bed and just watch Charlie sleep in the bassinet.

1 comment:

  1. LB!! What a sweet little mama dog! I bet those two are going to be best buddies.
