Monday, October 25, 2010

Two Months and a Day

Today Charlie had his two month check up with his doctor.  He had several vaccines - Rotavirus, Pneumococcal, Hib (a flu vaccine), Polio, Hepatitis B and DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis.)  The Rotavirus was an oral vaccine and Charlie ate it up.  The doctor and nurse were impressed that he just sucked it down.  I wasn't - the boy love to eat anything.  The other 5 were combined into three shots in his thighs.  This was the first time that Charlie has really felt some pain, other than gas, and it took him by surprise.  After the first shot, his face turned bright red and he had a silent scream.  By the second shot (5 seconds later) the scream was audible by more than dogs and by the third he was filling the office with his pain and disapproval.  I was impressed with the swiftness of the shots - the nurse was really good.  And Charlie only cried for a minute and now has some sharp Daffy Duck Band-Aids.

Charlie was also measured today.  His head is 15.25 inches - in the 50th percentile.  So it is perfectly average and all the talk of how cute he is hasn't gone to his head.  He is 12 pounds and 13 ounces - the 75th percentile for his age, but less than I though he weighed. (I was guessing 14 or 15 pounds.)  But his height - WOW.  He is 25 inches tall, in the 95th percentile.  I knew he was long based on the clothes he wears (3 to 6 months, y'all!) but I am surprised at how close he was to being off the chart.  We were thinking football player.  Now I am thinking basketball or tennis!

We put Charlie down to sleep for the night around 9pm.  He gets up around 2am and again between 5 and 6am.  He has done this for many weeks, and Dr. Baker said that was very good - and that most babies start that sleeping pattern now.  And he is eating well (4-5 ounces every 2-3 hours.)

All in all, CK is a healthy, happy, maybe a little above average baby!

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