Charlie is now totally tubular.
The surgery seemed to go well. Charlie was the first patient of the day, so we were at the outpatient surgery center at 6:30 am. (That wasn't so fun) He couldn't eat after 2am and I was worried he would be hungry and fussy when he got up, but he was fine. The nurse let him keep on his pjs and not put on the gown so Charlie was more comfortable. (Although I would have loved a picture of that!)
We hung out for a while because our doctor had been called to the ER. So Charlie started to get a little cranky. It was an hour after feeding time - I'd be cranky, too! But Marc kept him laughing until Grandma Dot got him to take a little nap.
The procedure was quick, and the doctor said his ears were bad. Very red, infected and full of puss. And Charlie was MAD in recovery. He wasn't happy with any of us holding him, and he wouldn't nurse. We heated up a bottle I brought and Marc got him to eat. Then he fell asleep in Marc's armpit. (It was deodorized!)
Once he got home and napped a little more, Charlie was fine. He acted as if nothing happened. Let's hope this keeps the ear infection away!
Praying that Charlie will be infection free from here on out! So glad that the surgery went well and he is recovering well. And btw, that first photo is AWESOME!