Saturday, June 25, 2011

Island Time

Charlie spent a little time in his beach pod, but quickly let us know he was ready to get out and explore.

He and Grandma played in the sand for a little while.

But then he discovered the ocean.  And then there was no stopping him.  No matter where we sat him, he made a beeline for the water.

And then!  Grandma took him out in the waves.  And boy, was that a blast!

(He had his tongue out like this most of the time. Don't know why.)


  1. Oh my goodness!!! Look at that sweet boy! That's funny that he is crawling right through the sand to the water. My girls NEVER wanted sand on them!

  2. I feel the same way about sand as your girls, so I was surprised that Charlie didn't care about it one little bit!
