Sunday, January 8, 2012

17 Weeks

** For some reason, this didn't post in Sunday, and I was too busy at Disney World to notice :-). Sorry about that!**

I am 17 weeks pregnant today.  And finally, FINALLY, the nausea and vomiting have abated.  I still don't have an energy rush and my face is still breaking out like I am 17, but I don't even care because I can eat and drink and not worry about it coming back up.  YAY!!

I am still fitting into my clothes, although you can definitely see the baby belly.  I expect to break out the maternity clothes in a couple of weeks. And I am feeling pressure from Baby pushing things around.

Charlie is learning by leaps and bounds and continues to amaze me and Marc.  He is becoming very opinionated and independent.  It is exactly what I want but wow, is it tough to have a little boy that knows exactly what he wants.  New words this week are baby and thank you, although we are still teaching him when to say thank you.  He can repeat it but doesn't say it on his own.

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