Monday, April 23, 2012

Vet School Open House

At the beginning of the month, the UGA Vet School had it's annual open house. And since Charlie liked it so much last year, we decided to go again. He's older, he loves animals, he'll like it even more, right?

Sure, until the second animal we see - the calf below - moos and scares the bejesus out of him.  I guess a real moo sounds a little different than when we say moo.  The rest of the time there was a total loss and he wanted nothing to do with any of the animals.

He did stop crying long enough to share a hot dog with Daddy.

But tried to run away from the turtle.  And Charlie LOVES a turtle.

He even cried at the dunktank.  He refused to hold a ball (and if you know Charlie, you know that never happens) And when the Dean told him we could just press the button, he cried harder.

But that didn't stop me from dunking her :-)

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