Saturday, January 26, 2013

Charlie Tidbits

Wednesday Charlie came home saying, "I got it going on!"  He has repeated it quite often, just to make sure we know.

Quite often, Charlie doesn't just say yes.  He says, "yep, uh-huh, okay!"

This week Marc had some shows in Boston, so Grandma Dot came over to help us out.  In the mornings Charlie has NOT wanted to leave Grandma to go to school.  On Thursday, once he was in the car and still crying, I said that Charlie was a big boy and going to school, but that Rosie was a baby and need Grandma Dot to take care of her. Charlie then informed me that he was a baby and Rosie was a big boy and he wanted Grandma Dot! "Rosie a big boy! Charlie a baby! Grandma Dooooooot!  Whaaaah!"  But don't worry - then we saw a school bus and started counting and he was fine.

At school, his friends know he loves Mickey Mouse.  Wednesday when he walked in his classmate Edie ran and got a plastic Mickey and brought it over to him.  Thursday when he came in his friend Bailey dragged a big stuffed Mickey over to the tables where they were eating breakfast and said Charlie needed Mickey to sit next to him. (Charlie then tried to feed the Mickey a biscuit.)

Wednesday night, I asked Charlie what he wanted to eat.  He looked up to the left, then to the right, got an impish grin on his face, put his hand on my cheek and whispered, "Popsicle!"

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