Saturday, October 19, 2013


I was talking with Charlie about all of the activities in the up coming months - Halloween in October, Thanksgiving and my birthday in November, Christmas in December and going to Disney in January.  I told him we were in October.  Charlie said, "No Mama.  We aren't in October.  We are in Georgia."

Charlie is also kind of obsessed with getting bigger.  He talks about it a lot.  He says his is a big boy but needs to get bigger.  I tell him he is getting bigger every day but that I don't need him getting bigger anytime soon!  Charlie will say he needs to be bigger to do this and bigger to do that.  Then at dinner, when I was trying to get him to eat, he said that the food would help him get bigger.  "Food helps me get bigger.  And your kisses, Mama.  They help me get bigger, too."

Rosie is REALLY good at signing.  She signs more, milk and please a lot.  She can talk, too, but can get by on grunts and signs.  She was in the bathroom with me when Charlie got an M&M for going potty.  So I gave one to Rosie, too.  I have never seen her sign "more" harder or faster.  She wanted another M&M!

I am wondering if Rosie is ready to start with the potty.  Recently if you say poo poo or potty, she will point at herself.  And usually we will have a poopy diaper shortly after.  I just don't know if I am ready to potty train again.  No diapers is great, but no diapers means I don't have babies anymore.  But when we get ready, we know she likes the M&Ms!

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