Monday, June 9, 2014

Two Years Ago and Today

Happy Birthday sweet Rosie Nell! 

You are two!  Unfortunately your two-year molars are arriving right on time, so you are pretty fussy right now.  But usually you smile so much.  All the time, really. So much more than you ever have before.  And you love to sing, especially along to Frozen. You belt out Let it Go. But will also break out in random songs.  Favorites include "ABC," "Twinkle Twinkle," and "The Wheels on the Bus." You have been talking for a while but we now understand most of what you say. 

You are very attached to Mama right now, and always want to be "up" in mama's arms.  And when I am in the room at nap or bed time, you want me to sit right by you and hold your hand.  And sometimes you want me to hold your hand and the hand of a stuffed animal.

You adore Charlie and want to be where he is and do what he does most of the time.  At school, you will go to the fence between the 2 and 3 year old playground and call for him. You want to sit next to him when you watch TV and when you see him jump into a pool you want to do the same.

You eat so well and like to try new things.  If Mama and Daddy are eating it then you want to eat it, too.  You love to read and take care of your babies.  And your favorite show right now is Sheriff Callie's Wild West and your favorite movie is Monsters University, followed closely by Frozen and Toy Story. You will treat Charlie's Buzz and Woody dolls just like a baby, covering them with blankets and patting their backs. You have a Daisy, Piglet and Minnie doll that you like to sleep with, and you are developing the appropriate love of flamingos.

You are so independent.  "I do" is an often heard phrase at our house and you are not at all happy when you can't do. And you are a stubborn little girl. You have definite opinions on shoes. 

You are getting very good at gymnastics, and your favorite is the bar.  And while waiting your turn, you insist on sitting in mama's lap. You are first in line at the end of the lesson for stamps on your hands and feet, and you sing the tuck and tumble song so well, clapping along.

You have brought two years of amazing joy into all of our lives.

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