Monday, July 14, 2014

I'm Here!

Sorry for the lack of posts.  I've been so overwhelmed lately that I have been letting this slide.  I shouldn't - reliving all these memories and looking at cute pictures of my kids makes me smile and eases stress.  And stress has been in abundance lately, so I need to blog and relax.

We are moving. Getting the house ready and on the market has been a longer process than I was hoping to have. And it looks like we may have to revisit this problem before we sell.

We are moving because I have an awesome new job. Really, it is all my favorite parts of university fund raising all rolled into one great position. And they really want me.  It's a nice feeling and I am so excited and would start tomorrow.

But the new position is in Maryland.  So this means not just moving across town, but across five states.  And uprooting my kids away from the school they love and the friends that they adore. And moving away from the family friends I love and adore and will miss so much.

Maryland is expensive.  Even though I know deep down we will be fine, it hurts to see these prices as we look at houses and day cares and food and gas. And instead of going into pre-K here in Georgia, Charlie has another year of day care.

But Charlie will get to ride more planes.  Heck, a plane!  And we get to experience a part of the country I never thought we would.  And the crabs!  I can't wait to eat at one of those restaurants where you use a mallet on the wooden table to eat a crab. We can see DC and all the history there.  My parents can fly and see us and my in-laws won't have to drive to visit. And we will be back in Georgia a lot more in the next few months.

We have found a great place to live and a day care that is almost as good as Little Prodigies has been.  We will make friends and we will keep in touch with our Athens friends.  And there is facebook and skype and facetime. Add we have great parents who are willing and able to help.

And on top of that Charlie had his tonsils and adenoids removed last Wednesday.  Again, something that will make our lives better in the long run but is hard right now.  He can't play or swim or go to school. As long as we stick to the medicine regimen we are all ok.  However, the mornings are hard.  Charlie wakes up in pain and doesn't want to take medicine because it hurts. This morning Marc had to hold him while I slowly used a syringe to administer pain medicine while Charlie cried and yelled, "I want to stand up please ma'am!" It's the please ma'am that gets me.  He is hollering and still polite. And you never want your baby to be in pain.

It will be a grand adventure. One that will be easier because Charlie won't snore or grind his teeth or get so much strep throat. Eventually.  But right now it gives me a headache and makes me cry.

1 comment:

  1. Mary, I am so, so, so happy for you, Marc, Charlie, and Rosie! Maryland will be a grand adventure and I can't wait to read all about it! And once you know your way around well and know all the places that we MUST visit, I can't wait to come see y'all :-D
