Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Pooping in the Potty

Rosie is awesome about the potty – as long as it’s just peepee and we prompt her to go.  She hates having poop in her diaper – and will tell us as soon as it has happened – but she has a problem pooping in a potty.

Until last night, she had only pooped in the potty once.  It was at bath time a couple weeks ago.  She was sitting on the potty and we were, for the most part, ignoring her.  Marc was bathing Charlie and I was getting the kids’ stuff ready for the next day.  When she got up and had pooped we whooped with joy.  And I’m pretty sure we scared Ro, because she insisted on a diaper or pull up for the next few days and regressed back to peeing in her pampers.

So yesterday, we were on day two of no Rosie poop. And we knew it was coming.  She had gotten up from dinner 5 or 6 times, saying she had to potty.  But as soon as she sat down she got up, claiming she didn’t have to go.  So finally, I left the pull-up off. I told Ro she could have it back after she pooped. 

Oh, she cried.  She screamed and begged for that pull-up to be back on.  I pleaded for Rosie to sit on the potty.  I promised she could sit on the potty and watch Brave or Tangled and if she pooped, we would go get ice cream.

Then finally, an hour later, Ro was still crying for her pull-up but was walking with her legs together, holding that poop in with all her might.  I sat her on the potty, hugged her and told her it was ok to let the poop go.  And she did.  I didn’t whoop with joy (not externally, anyway.)  I calmly told Ro how proud I was and what a good job she had done.  She was so proud too, wanting to tell her daddy and brother what she had done.   And asked for that ice cream!

I felt satisfaction. I had won the poop battle! 

Until a little while later, when she pooped in her pull-up. I had forgotten that two days of no poop usually lead to a two poop night.

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