Friday, July 24, 2015

Maryland Day

Every year in the Spring, the University of Maryland hosts Maryland Day,  a "huge community outreach event when the campus opens its doors and invites the public to a FREE, fun-filled day of learning, exploration, and discovery. The day offers more than 400 festivities including exhibits, workshops, hands-on demonstrations, performances, cross-campus tours, lectures, petting zoos, and athletic events"

For 2015, Charlie was at a birthday party so Rosie and I went to campus (along with Flat Stanley) to see what this was all about.  And the description was correct, it is huge.  We only saw a fraction of what was offered.

We started on McKeldin Mall, where Rosie fished turtles out of the fountain and won a green turtle for her efforts.

 Then we went to the Public Health booth, where Rosie jumped through some hoops.


Our division hosted a VIP suite, so Rosie and I stopped by. And I was surprised that my shy girl was very excited to meet the Dance Team.

 Rosie and Flat Stanley sampled the Maryland Day ice cream flavor.

 Rosie let the Dance Team paint her face.



 There was a ton more to do, but Rosie started to get tired so we headed home.  Seems that Maryland Day is also exhausting!

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