Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Rosie's Three Year Questionnaire

What's your name? Rosie (said to me as if that is the dumbest question in the world.  Of course her name is Rosie!)

What is your favorite food? A Grandma Cookie (a Bevita breakfast cookie, which she had just eaten.)

What food do you NOT like? Blueberries (although the Bevita cookie is the blueberry one)

What is your favorite toy? She ran and picked up a doll

What is your thing to wear? This (as she looks at her very cute outfit.)

Who is your favorite person in the whole wide world? Mommy (yay!)

What is your favorite thing to play? My dollhouse isn't down here.

 What is your favorite song? A-B-C-D

Where is your favorite place to eat? Captain's Chair (??)

Who is your best friend?Mommy (awwww!)
What is your favorite part about you? When I was sleeping

Whats your favorite movie? Mickey Mouse

What's your favorite color? Pink

What is your favorite book?Doc McStuffins (it's a book that has flip up sections on each page. I am sooo tired of this book!)
What do you like to take to bed with you? I don't know

What do you want to do when you grow up? Play at a birthday party

What is your favorite animal? Flamingo (good girl :-) )

What is your favorite TV Show? Mickey Mouse

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