Tuesday, April 29, 2014

First Day in the Twos

I am terribly late in posting this!  Rosie had her first full day as a Pavarotti (or a member of the 2 year class) on April 7.  She is with teachers we already love from Charlie's time in the class, and those ladies have been counting down the days until Rosie could join them.
That morning, Rosie was much more interested in reading a book than posing for her "first day" picture.
Charlie's helping with the sign holding - he's a good brother. And she will smile but not look away from the book.

So let's try by the door.

What?? You asked me to hold up the sign?

What does this thing say anyway?

I would really rather just be silly.


There's that winning smile!

And she was NOT willing to put her cereal down for anything!

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