Even though the end of the year found me tired and burned out, when I reflect on the year, it has been a great one. I may gripe at times about the fact that I have more responsibility at work and less free time, I do love my job and am very fortunate to have been given this opportunity. And the past year has been so much fun. There have been life changes, fabulous trips, new family and friends and and end-of-the-season surge for Georgia football!

Any year when I become Crazy Aunt Mary (again) is a good one, even if my brother used the name I would have given my son. But Bowen is such a great little kid. He has my baby fat rolls and I wish I saw him and Hudson more often than I do. That will be one of the 2008 resolutions - to be more of a part of the lives of my nephews.
One of the biggest happenings of 2007 was Marc. I was incredibly lucky to have had him as a friend and dog watcher. So when we started dating, I knew what a great guy he was and how much he loved my dog. It was very natural for us to date, fall in love, and get engaged. And Sandy just loves having Marc here. She has also discovered that when he is stretching his neck, it is a perfect time

for some belly rubbing.
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