I've been sick. Too much work and not enough rest. So what does a sick girl do? Lay around and watch bad tv. This week it included the newest episode of One Tree Hill, where one character asked another if you were stranded on a deserted island and could only have five cds with you, what would they be?
So I am assuming that this island has a.) a power source or b.) an unlimited supply of batteries. And daiquiris.
But I got to thinking (as I am coughing up a lung) what would my five albums be? Here's what I've decided:
1.) Paul's Boutique by the Beastie Boys
An all-time fave. I've been rocking "Shake Your Rump" for almost 20 years.
2.) Home by the Dixie Chicks
I don't care if you hate their politics, these ladies can sing. I love all their cds, but this excellent album was overshadowed by Natalie's remarks.
3.) American Idiot by Green Day
I love the rock-opera feel to this album. The only song I wasn't crazy about is the one that got all the airplay - "When September Ends."
4.) Wicked Soundtrack
I LOVE a Broadway musical, so I had to have one in my top 5. And it was a tough choice. I am loving Legally Blonde now and Avenue Q is a perennial favorite. But Wicked just takes my breath away. If I could sing, I'd be belting out "Popular" and "Defying Gravity" all day long. (Actually, I do sing those tunes - just very poorly when I am by myself with the radio cranked!)
5.) Time after Time by Eva Cassidy
I adore Eva Cassidy. It is such a shame that she was only discovered after her death.
So what are your top five?