As I mentioned in my last post.
Marc and the girls went down to Pensacola before I did, but I flew down a few days after he arrived. We always exchange gifts on Christmas Eve in
P'cola - names are drawn on Thanksgiving and we have a spending limit. (Except for Alec. Since he's a kid he still get presents from everyone.)
Marc's Dad drew my name for the second year in a row! I got a gift card for Ann Taylor/Loft - just what I wanted!
Marc's dad Chuck received
pistachios and a gift card.

Marc's grandmother Mary received a top-of-the-line shredder.

Cousin Tommy got a gift card to get pecan trees.

Marc got a gift card to Academy attached to some great Georgia G grilling tools from Tommy.

I had Marc's Aunt Denise - she was excited about her perfume and

Marc had Uncle Kent's name - and he received a
giftcard, too.

And it looks like Marc's cousin Judy got a book.

As did his Mom Mary.
At the end of the evening, J
udy suggested that next year we say no gift cards. I protested
because I love to shop for clothes when I don't have to pay :-)! But after posting all these pictures I think she has a good point. I didn't realize how many gifts were in the form of a card.