We ended up visiting Santa twice. The first time was at the mall, where I paid in advance and had a set appointment. We had discussed Santa and that the kids would sit with him and tell him what they wanted for Christmas. They were all about it.
But once Charlie saw Santa it was a no go. There was NO WAY he was going to talk to this man. We tried every trick in the book, but none worked. And when we said that Santa wouldn't bring him the Inquisitor light saber he wanted, Charlie said fine - he didn't want it anyway. So those pictures were just of Rosie.
But a few weeks later we went to Bass Pro Shop - where the picture is free - and gave it a try again. Charlie was in a great mood and was chatty with the Big Man. And made sure he know about the Inquisitor light saber! We don't know what made a difference, but we are glad to get our yearly picture with Santa.

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