Several weeks ago, we had a visitor. His name is Everest and he is a Great Pyrenees. Everest looks like a large white golden retriever, is very sweet and friendly.
Turns out he belongs to a neighbor - they had let him out and he made his way to our house. He arrived on our doorstep (literally) and slept in the pine straw in our front yard. The next morning we let him in and he felt right at home. We tried to call the number on his tag (disconnected) and Marc walked around the neighborhood asking if anyone recognized the dog. When no one did, Marc and Everest went to the Dog Park where Everest was a natural in the car and a big hit with the other dogs and owners. But still, no one recognized him. Marc brought him home and gave him a bath. Mid-bath, the owners rang the doorbell. Marc was sad, because he had fallen a little in love with this gentle giant of a dog.
This past weekend, Everest showed back up at our back door for a visit. This time, we had a current phone number and knew where to take him. Everest was soon reunited with his owner Steve.
Everest is welcome over anytime. Sandy may not feel the same – she does enjoy her only dog status – but we look forward to his next visit.
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