While we had a great time in 2007 in our travels, there was fun to be had here in Athens.
Marc's University Union students brought some fun entertainment to campus this year. Jenny and I were able to talk to Christian Finnegan about how skinny he was getting. I am sure that meeting us on his trip to Athens (His dad is a UGA Grad!) made it his best week ever.
We also were VIPs (not really, but we had the armbands!) for the Ying Yang twins. They put on an incredibly entertaining show, and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. The people watching was great, too. Jenny and I sat in the back of the room and watched all the action - especially when the entire room started to "walk it out."
We enjoy our football pre-game activities, but did you know that here in Athens we tailgate for baseball, too? We only went to a couple of baseball tailgates in 2007 with the Thompsons, but hopefully 2008 will hold more tailgating for us.
I was very fortunate to have a table at the Boybutante Ball this year, and shared it with three fabulous ladies. Simply put, we had a wonderful time! (Except for the part where I spilled my drink all over our table. But that's to be expected from clumsy me.)
Marc finished a Half Ironman and had a birthday, so what else was there to do b

Oh, yeah, and we got engaged! Anne was lovely enough to celebrate by wearing a bridesmaid dress while we had a happy hour in the famous Thompson basement.
One more part, I promise. Next up, a year in UGA football.
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